•  Belize News   •  The Holidays are officially Here! My Tree and The Lighted Boat Parade

The Holidays are officially Here! My Tree and The Lighted Boat Parade

It’s official. Well, to me it finally is. Last night my friend and i put up a “holiday tree”. I’ve been focused on December 2012 for nearly 2 full years…obsessed some would say…and it’s finally here! And i almost missed Christmas time…It’s hard to remember it’s the holidays when you are down here. It’s not really cold, you dont have decorations on every immobile object, and well, it just doesnt “feel” like Christmas time. At least i didnt…until we put up the tree 😀

Happy Tree

because you can never have enough happy tree…

I bought this tree at Super Buy south for $31.50 bzd ($15.75 usd). Pretty much the girliest tree ever. I wanted the so-tacky-it’s-awesome pink tree, but they were out. This is one happy, girly, tree!

The Lighted Boat Parade – Saturday December 8, 2012 Central Park, around sunset or so 😉

For me, the thing that indicates that the Holidays Are Here on La Isla Bonita is the Annual Lighted Boat Parade. This super cool event was originally masterminded by the chief do-gooding master mind of them all, Jan Brown. This is the 6th year for this event, and i remember the first one VERY vividly. It was AWESOME. To see those boats all lit up going up and down the shoreline, it was just about one of the prettiest things i’ve ever seen. I wish i had pictures to share, but it’s really hard to take those shots!

This year, the San Pedro Business Association is supporting the event full steam, and the efforts are headed by the incomparable Rebecca Arceo and there are more boats, more prizes, more booths, even more more more for the block party! CANNOT WAIT! Oh, and yours truly is in charge of the judges… (this means making sure their cocktails are full, among other important duties 🙂 )

The friends of the furry, SAGA Humane Society is absolutely in the know – they have SANTA himself coming to take pictures! Yip, SANTA is coming…and he’s brought a camera this year! Santa’s elves are very handy, and they have a really great photo printer that will print you 4×6 print of visit with Santa. For a small donation, of course 🙂

Finally, i am very excited to share that we are working on a newsletter. Well, we’ve worked on it for a while, but our weekly reports will be emailed out weekly, so feel free to let me know you want to sign up! And once i get fancy schmany, i’ll be able to figure out how to put a link here so you can just do it that way, but for now…i’m still a techno dork with a really shiny tree 🙂

Let the holiday fun begin!