•  2014 (Page 4)

In early November, 2013, tacogirl.com sponsored my attendance in the Red Cross First Aid and CPR Training session to be held at Banana Beach.  Bandage International conducted the two day training class.   I can honestly say that Darryl's class was very well paced and he is clearly passionate about saving lives. There were about 25 people in the class, and over half of them

Day Trippin' to Spanish Lookout I had the opportunity to spend some time in Cayo with my friend Libby a few weeks ago.  On the last day, we drove to Spanish Lookout, the Mennonite community.  They had a whole world of stores and items that you simply cannot get anywhere else, and since they are not required to pay taxes or duty on anything, the pricing

A Walk In The Park on Ambergris Caye, Belize The weather has been, as they say, "shite". It's been raining for nearly 6 months, which is unheard of for Belize. Every day it does clear up a bit for periods of time. I try to get the dog out for a walk during those clearer times. I started out with Max and it was sunny and nice.