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Mahogany Hall Belize – Southern Charm comes to Belize

My friend and i stayed for two nights.  The food was SUPERB and i’m a pain in the butt to feed.  The grounds are romantic and charming, and everything is warm, smooth, rich mahogany.  The turquoise blue infinity pool with fall that spills over toward the jjade green river and water falls make the perfect backdrop to the stay.  The sheets are high thread count and soft, the beds are HEAVEN (they are very proud of their “cloud 9 beds” as they should be!)

Jonathan, the general manager, told us about a horseback riding tour to a Cenote.  We went to the farm, were assigned our horses and off we went.  We werent sure how long we’d be gone or where we were going, but you definitely are aware that you are truly in “gods country” as your riding along on your mighty steed (well, mine wasnt so mighty…she had only one gear, and that was sllloooooooooow) 🙂   The hike up to the top of the cenote was tough, but TOTALLY worth it. Amazing!!!!!!  Never have  i seen anything like it.  it was enormous.

then back for an incredible meal, and some wine by the fireplace.  The glow from the christmas tree and the fire, coupled with the wine were enough to have us all ready to climb into our cloud 9 beds by about 8pm for a great sleep as the sound of the waterfall in the river sent us to dreamland.

flawless stay!

cayo district, san ignacio, boutique hotel, romance, honeymoon suite gourmet food, boutique hotel, romantic getaway, cayo, san ignacio

southern charm, san ignacio, boutique hotel, romantic christmas san ignacio, romance, family travel, boutique resort

horseback riding, cayo district, san ignacio, cenote, tour mahogany, san ignacio, cayo, romantic trip,

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