•  Belize News   •  Portofino really is a Stylish Resort on the Beach

Portofino really is a Stylish Resort on the Beach

Had to go to Portofino, one of RTAB’s preferred properties to discuss some exciting things coming in the future.  I took some pics of my ‘commute’.  Sandra and Jan are just incredibly bright, articulate, service oriented business people who really do know how to run a place.  Their two lovely children giggle as they run about, and everyone tries to climb on chairs to be nearly as tall as the very tall Jan 🙂

Rush Hour traffic on the way to Portofino

We had a great time coming up with the itinerary for Lisa Lights, A List Destination Wedding Planner, and A -List Celebrity Wedding Photographer Terry Gruber.  Terry’s list of clients involve some very she-she-foo-foo last names like “Hilton, Hearts, Aston, Zeta-Jones” and others.  SOOOO excited to have them coming from Jan 10 – 14, and the gracious and stylish portofino will be their home for the week.

Ever so stylish lobby view of our beloved ocean

Step off the boat, and enter this magical space

Portofino as Dusk

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