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moving and grooving…

the boulder is going up the hill.  Its a lot of work, being a Who and getting heard.  I’ve got members joining RTAB that i really think will round out the product.  I’m working through “what makes us different” and i guess the thing that makes RTAB different is that it like, really truly ME.

Having come from such a very different place than San Pedro, its hard for to convey that i really am the same as the brides.  I’m sure they must be thinking  “why is she doing this”, and the reality is, its cause i’ve ‘been there, done that’.   And not to mention, i needed to market my bikini line to brides, so it just sorta makes sense.

what i really like is listening to what the traveler is saying….what are they going to like?  I started with Victoria House, Portofino, and SeaDuced because right off the bat, they are known to be the top three run, well respected businesses on the island.  I know this because i’ve been in a wonderful position to basically sit back, watch, and learn.  Since i come from a very corporate world (i was Vice President of a publically traded company), transitioned to own three of my own successful businesses before retiring to belize.    I didnt work for 3 years, i was able to just truly get to know people, how they act, what they do, and what do i think of their core.

Its a very small country, and i know a great number of people on it for a variety of reasons.  As different travel requests are beginning to come in, i’m able to assess their needs and figure out what would suit them best…regardless of their budget.   It matters more to me to be able to help people be happy with their visit by setting realistic expectations of what we can do and who we are… and helping to match them to their dream vacation.

There are those that will never be happy in a jungle lodge,  and those that will be bored 8 miles north on the island.  Its hard to convey the total and completely different experience you can have by staying north on San Pedro, versus South on San Pedro;  San Igancio versus Placencia.  We are such a tiny country, but there is so much to know.

I’m just excited to be able to bring everyone together.  I guess i sorta like being the Yenta from Fiddler on the Roof.   I do love love after all!

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