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Same Sex Ceremony on Maya Ruin

When i started on the path that led me to belize over 5 years ago, i never could have imagined how things would go.  I never could have imagined Lemon Crush Belize and certainly not Romantic Travel Belize.  And i am sitting at my desk with an immense sense of pride that i am part of the team that is bringing what i believe to be, the first same sex commitment ceremony on the Maya Ruins, presided over by a Maya Healer.

I do not believe we choose who we love, but rather are subjected to it, and when we are, should we be lucky enough to seize it, would be foolish to squander it.  I’ve always believed that people should be able to marry whomever they choose. In Belize, like most of the world, it is still illegal for gay couples to marry.  I’ve never been a big proponent of “no”, i’m a bigger believer in “yes”, so…how do we get around this persnickety point and help people to feel they’ve been officially united?

I suppose the answer lies not in how you’re united, but rather in how you define united.  That’s the goal, after all, isnt it?

When i was in corporate (8 million years ago),  i’d ask my team to do some thing or another.  Invariably, someone would come and tell me they could not complete the task or reach the goal for whatever reason.  I would look at them and say “You are telling me you’ve hit a wall.  The goal has not changed.  You may have to blow up the wall, go around it, under it, scale it, ooze through it…i dont know, but you still have to get to the other side”.

So, for the sake of argument, you’ve gone your whole life and you have hit this wall of “marriage”.  Because you happen to be the way you are, that you happen to love who you love, you are being told “No.  You may not legally be united to that person”.  That would suck.

However, in a ‘trump’ of narrow-mindedness,  we are pulling together something better.  What could be cooler than a blessing on a 3000 year old temple, by the grand-daughter of a great Maya Healer?

Through a fortuitous chain of events (arent they all?), i find myself in the proud position to be able to help a friend realize her dream and have a commitment ceremony that will make them feel truly welcomed and special.

First thing tomorrow, I will be joined by an amazing team of people to make this event come to life.  I’m holding back the details until tomorrow, though…so stay tuned!  Photo’s and deets to follow….

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