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St Patricks Day – Party with a wanker

St Patricks Day – The Last Bastion of Silliness

I dont really know the history of St Patricks Day, but i do know that it makes me think of green, leprechauns and alcohol.  When i was in university (ok, and welllll after that) this was my favorite night to go to the Irish Pub on 21st St in Philadelphia and drink my face off.  I wasnt alone, there are always sure to be scores of “drank til their faces came off” people of all shapes and sizes waddling around pubs and bars throughout the US, Ireland, Canada and anywhere else Irish people once drank (er, um, i mean lived).

But that has all gotten so boring, hasnt it?

Come to belize instead, and drink your faces off with icey cold Belikins, or better, load up on “Panti Rippa’s” and find out why they are called that.  We have a couple Irish folks here, mostly represented by Irish Jennifer, my favorite of the Irish.  We have loads more of them, but somehow i get in deep trouble for calling a Scotsman and Irishman or some other Great Britain confusion I’m still trying to sort out.

Pedro’s Inn is probably the best spot for Irish Shenanigans this year. Pedro is a wanker, and that’s what it says on the T-Shirts he sells, it’s not me calling him that – it’s him. He’s self proclaimed so it’s OK.  He has just added a new monstrocity he calls “The Hotel”, but it has really big, really safe, really new rooms with nice hot water and air conditioning.  The rooms are budget priced and amoung the best values on the Island when you consider they have 2 swimming pools, a bar/restaurant and Charlie the Dog, Splat the Cat and Jager the Puppy.  If you are in the bar, do NOT ring the bell, not even by mistake, or you have to buy Jager shots for everyone… are you seeing how this is going?  If you want to party your face off for St Patricks Day, Pedro’s is it.

Rooms at Pedro’s start at $50 usd, and if you book through me, i’ll make him give you something for free (mostly because i like to antagonize him, it’s great fun, you’ll see 🙂 ) Pedro’s is a great place to bring a whole schwack of your friends to come to party.  This is NOT a romantic place, the only romance you’ll see is between Pedro and Jager (either the shot or the puppy …. depends on his mood), but then again St Patricks Day isnt about romance, it’s about drinking.

A 4 night weekend getaway, with a sunset booze cruise, snorkel trip and hotel will run you about $370 usd per person, double occupancy including hotel, tax, service charge, the two trips, and round trip airfare from Belize City to San Pedro.