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A Valentines Day Dream (or was it a nightmare?)

Valentines Day  – Seriously

I had a dream last night.  Really. I did.  It was about Valentines Day and i walked into a store to get something completely unrelated to V-Day, and there was this long line of very somber, grief stricken people standing in line.  In my dream, they were all shapes, sizes, cultures and ethnicities.  And they were all miserable.  I shortly thereafter realized why, and i tried to help them, but alas, i was unable to make Hallmark and Cupid chill out and leave these people alone.

I do still, however offer a really nice alternative.  For the life of me i cannot imagine why anyone would want to do anything different for Valentines Day, and i cannot imagine a gift i’d like to receive more than a trip/vacation for the Big Day.  Now, this might be because I just added more pages to my passport so i’ve got travel on my mind, but i dont think so.  I think this is a real public service i’m offering here – respit for the romantically miserable.

You dont have to use the trip right away or even over Valentines Day.  You can imagine how happy your other half will be just to know that you were thinking of being alone and oogly-woogly with them at your own private water fall, or perhaps on your own private boat for the day, frolicking, sunnning, funning, swimmng, and of course, snorkeling.

Packages can be created to fit your budget, from a modest $700 usd for 7 nights including domestic airfare and hotel for two (not much more than that, but hey it’s a start!) to the extravagant into the thousands that will surely get you out of whatever dog house you might otherwise be forced to inhabit.