Horseback Riding on the beach in Roatan, Honduras
Horseback Riding on the beach in Roatan Honduras – Day 5, Part 2
Trusty Luis from Hyde Tours had been my driver for the days I was in Roatan. Luis works for the super cute Emsly, and doesn’t speak much English. This forced me to practice my Spanish which I rather enjoy. Anyway, Luis was waiting when we were finished at the Gumbolimbo Park, and we started making our way toward the West End from West Bay.
It was around 2pm by this time, and we were hungry. We stopped at a local gas station (yup) for lunch. Veronica had been a very knowledgeable and creative companion who had not led me wrong so far, so when she suggested lunch at the gas station for some local cuisine, who was I to argue? There was a food counter there, and the place reminded me more of a 7-11, Circle K or Wawa than anything else. The ____ was awesome. It was a large warmed flour tortilla filled with refried beans (I love them, why dont we have more of them in Belize???), local cheese (cant go wrong with that) and some seasoned ground beef. There are other options for ingredients, but they were out of them this day. I really really really wish we had those suckers in Belize.
After lunch, we made our way a few more yards to the ‘ranch’ and were met by a rather unique fellow. He opened the stick and razor wire fence, and we walked up a muddy hill to a hut with three horses tied to it. There were other horses grazing around, but these three had their tack and saddles all ready.
I was introduced to Trigger, and I got on up. Veronica got on her horse, and we made our way to the road. We had decided to ride to Sandy Bay as I had already seen West End. We had to go along the main road for quite some distance. We walked along hoping to not get plowed down by a car.
We made our turn and made our way to the beach. Veronica hadn’t ridden as many times in her life as I had, so I asked our guide if it was ok for me to run. He said ok, and told me the command that would get Trigger going. I did as I was instructed, and off we went.
There really isnt anything quite like running the beach on a white horse, with the wind in your hair. For real. The stretch of beach wasnt particularly long so Trigger and I ran back and forth on the beach a few times for fun. Trigger LOVED running and apparently doesn’t get to do so very often. Neither do I, so it worked out well.
Some things in life you don’t forget, and for me, this will be one of them.
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