•  Belize News   •  www.honeymoons.com


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  RTAB has just gone live with its first coverage on the internet 🙂  this might not sound like a big deal to some, but the truth is, its great!  i am so proud of the deal we were able to get with the kind folks at www.honeymoons.com, and even more proud of the business partnerships forming under RTAB.

When i decided i wanted to do some marketing for Lemon Crush Belize, i went directly to the people i respect the most in business after four years of living here, in a position to just observe.  I’ve gotten to hear their names mentioned every single time the ‘best of the island’ were mentioned.  So, seeking advice, i went to janet from victoria house, rebecca from seaduced by belize, and jan and sandra from portofino.  It was  a brain picking expedition for me….trying to figure out how iw as going to be able to market LCB, seeking advice with the intention of hoping to get some attention from bloggers, newspapers, or other media on the internet.

i quickly realized that wouldnt be enough.  Being able to humbly say to those that believed in me with very little factual evidence behind me, Here is our first endeavor.  And i am really proud of it.  I’m excited to be able to point to that collaboration, and i just cannot wait to see what else we can do as a collective.

The net net,  i want to be able to confidently help travelers, brides, honeymooners, and everyone else find the right accomodations,  services and vendors for their needs.  I know that sounds simple, but belize is a lot of different things to a lot of different people.  We all want our visitors to be happy.  we love belize, and we want everyone else to as well 🙂

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